Find the perfect plan for your business
Invest and focus efforts on a comprehensive review of your employees and collaborators will assure the highest level of consistency in your quality in your business
(Price by user, billed annually)
Teams Performance
You are managing a team or want to start step by step into implementing a performance-based organization, this plan is for you.
(Billed yearly)-
Measure Performance for teams of any size
Weighted Objectives
1:1 Meeting Planning & Tracking
Self Appraisal / Peer Appraisal
Manager Feedback
Calibration Update
Performance Report
HR/Manager Dashboard
Performance Cycle Tracking
Employee Database Management
Teams Growth
Grow your team, grow your performance, grow your company with performance and development process management.
(Billed yearly)-
All Teams Performance features plus:
360º Feedback
External Stakeholders Feedback
Skills Assessment
Individual Development Plan
Development Tracking
Development Cycle Tracking
Skills Customization
Competency Customization
Teams Engage
Performance, development and engagement work together to improve your company's results. Get the one tool you need to manage it all.
(Billed yearly)-
All Teams Growth features plus:
Pulse Survey
Anonymous Survey
Feedback Management
Peer-2-Peer Recognition
Competency Customization
Development Cycle Tracking
Employee Recognition
Do you want to know more about it?
We would like to understand your specific needs and how we can help you achieve your goals.