Features for performance management

If your people know what they are supposed to do, get feedback on how they are doing it, and get rewarded for doing what they are supposed to be doing, your company will be more likely to get the results you desire.

Only with a cloud-based solution like Teams Performance can you provide both managers and employees with the information they need to have an ongoing productive conversation and track their agreements and progress throughout the year.

The Performance Management Process

Traditional performance processes peak twice a year, at the objective setting and the appraisal stage, generating stressful times for managers and employee dissatisfaction.

With our tool your employees not only will understand what is expected from them, but will be committed to achieving their goals, while your managers will not fear the process anymore.

Teams performance screen

Employee Development Plan Management

People development is a shared responsibility between the company and the employee, and it goes beyond sending them to a week-long course once a year.

Understanding how to develop your employees starts with understanding their skills, strengths, and weaknesses to better plan your people's development, not for their current position, but for what comes in the future for them. Only this way will you provide more than a job, a career.


Help your team to assess their skills and competencies


Uncover the development opportunities of your employees.


Improve the skills of your team for the current job


Acquire the knowledge for their future positions

Employee Engagement

The rewards can be surprising when you create the right environment for your people to thrive. People’s performance and engagement are not linked; they are part of each other.

Recognizes affective commitment

Measuring your employee positivism, energy, resilience, dedication, pride, and involvement helps you understand where you stand in terms of engagement and what actions you can take to improve.

Build an effective relationship

Implementing a continuous performance process and actively developing your employees are two necessary steps towards building this engagement. Still, there are other actions you can take, and with our Employee Engagement tool, you can measure its effectiveness.

Understand your people’s priorities

Start listening what your employees have to say and make engagement more than an initiative, part of the company culture. At the end, it's not the free food or the bring your pet to work day; it is providing a better and more fulfilling job what makes employees stay.

If you don’t create a great, rewarding place for your people to work, they won’t do great work

Ari Weinzweig

People need to receive feedback to make corrections.

We want to help you improve your performance appraisal process to create a positive culture and improve overall performance and effectiveness
